Apple CEO Tim Cook, Eddy Cue & Phil Schiller dancing in Pharrell Williams “HAPPY”

      Apple frequently takes a strong stance on environmental issues, so it should come as no surprise that the company commemorates Earth Day every year. But nonetheless, here’s something we didn’t expect to see — CEO Tim Cook, Eddie Cue– Apple’s senior vice president of Internet software and services, and Phil Schiller -Apple’s senior vice president of worldwide marketing joyously dancing to Pharrell Williams‘ “Happy” in celebration.
 The silver-haired Apple CEO waved his hands in the air like he just didn’t care at an outdoor celebration . They unabashedly busted some funky cold conservative moves on stage in front of a throbbing sea of partying underlings, to the beat of Pharrell’s bubbly live rendition of “Happy”.

Here’s the video of Apple Inc. celebrating the Earth’s day with the crowd in Pharrell Williams song “HAPPY”