15 strange facts you probably didn’t know about human body



 1. There are more Bacteria in our mouth than there are people in the world.


more bacteria in our mouth



    2. Human heart is not on the left side but in the middle of our chest.


human heart in middle



3. If the Human eye was a digital camera, it would have 576 megapixels and has a nighttime ISO of 800.


eye digital camera



4. Our heartbeat changes and mimics the music we listen.



  5. We get a new stomach lining every 3 days. If not, within 3 days of death, enzymes in our digestive system begin to eat us.

stomach acid


6. You might think that you become fully matur when you turn 21 but new research suggests that your brain does not stop developing until your late 40s.

late 40s brain


7. Everyday, our heart creates enough energy to drive a Truck for 32 kilometres (20 miles).

Male anatomy of human organs in x-ray view


8. Our nose has a really good memory, it has ability to recognize and remember 50,000 different scents.




9. An average person produces about 25,000 quarts of saliva in a lifetime enough to fill two Swimming Pool.


saliva swimming pool


10. Sweat itself is Odorless, it’s the bacteria on the skin then mix with it and produces body odor.


sweat odorless



11. Similar to our fingerprints, everyone has a unique tongue print.


unique tongue


12. Our brain produces enough electricity to power a small light bulb.


brain produce 25w electricity


13. Human eye has ability to distinguish about 10 million different colors.


human eye 10 million colors


14. Human bones are 4 times stronger than Concrete.


bones stronger than concrete


15. The heat produces by our body in 30 minutes can boil a Gallon of water. 
